March 2024

Introducing the New & Improved

OPEIU 153 Union Newsletter

Dear Members,


We are so excited to launch this primary issue of our brand new eNewsletter exclusively for OPEIU 153 Members! Now, you can get your local’s hot-off-the-press news, events, and ways to get involved delivered straight to your inbox. Because this is our first issue, we want to hear from you - what do you want to see in your local newsletter? Submit suggestions below! Happy reading!


In this issue:

  • Secretary-Treasurer’s Report: NEW Member Benefit
  • 2023 Highlights
  • Downloadable Organizing Tool: How to win a strong contract
  • Member Scholarship Opportunities
  • Financial Report
  • Follow us on social media!

Secretary-Treasurer's Report

Local 153 Establishes Groundbreaking New Benefit for Union Members


As Local 153 emerges from the global pandemic, our commitment to worker rights and building worker power is a focus; highlighted by both internal and external organizing. Additionally we are working on new initiatives to improve our members’ quality of life. As of January 1, 2024, Local 153 members will have the opportunity to bargain a local-administered Health Reimbursement Account (HRA) into their contracts. This entitlement is member directed, but employer funded, and will offer members the opportunity to elect benefits from a menu of options depending on their personal preferences and needs. The HRA, as constructed, provides for members to consider opting for benefit monies to pay for dependent/child care, retirees healthcare savings, and even the option to utilize this new money for a “vacation club”. Recently, approximately 100 members at Amalgamated Bank fought for and won new employer money to fund their HRA benefit. In the first half of 2024 Local 153 will be hosting Town Hall meetings for members to learn more about the HRA, and how it benefits them and their families.


2023 Union Wrapped

In 2023, the local made significant achievements in organizing and contract negotiations, including organizing over 500 new members! Here are some notable highlights:


In March, Resident Assistants at Fordham voted to join OPEIU Local 153. These workers are part of a growing movement of higher education workers organizing for justice, dignity, and a voice at work. 

“We are extremely excited to have won our union today! We couldn’t without the support of our fellow RAs and OPEIU Local 153. After winning our union 47 to 19, we are prepared to begin the bargaining process in hopes of gaining better compensation, more protections, and an effective line of communication”


-Sophia Ghelardini, RA at Fordham University.


Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute RA Union Win

Also in March, Resident Assistants at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) voted to join OPEIU Local 153, with 86% voting union yes! This group went on to ratify an historic union contract in December - one that includes full room (+ option to choose between meal plans) covered with no impact to financial aid, a $800-1600 stipend per semester, and more!


Municipal Credit Union Contract Win

Our members at the Municipal Credit Union successfully renegotiated a contract this year with determination and collective action. In 2019 the MCU CEO was indicted on embezzlement charges, resulting in new leadership and lots of uncertainty for our members. Despite these negotiations being an opportunity for reconciliation, management came to the table with an attorney from the notoriously expensive union busting firm Jackson Lewis, and a long list of regressive proposals including nearly 20% increases to health insurance costs, eliminating seniority benefits, and increased work hours without pay. Our members circulated an email petition and got over 200 supporters to send an email to current MCU CEO Kyle Markland in support of a fair contract, and packed the bargaining room with members for the next two sessions to let management know our members are united and will not put up with this disrespect in bargaining. In the end, we were able to avoid all of management’s proposed givebacks and secured a contract with annual raises and benefits that will allow our members to continue to work with dignity and respect.


Tufts University RA Strike + Contract Win

Tufts Resident Assistants (ULTRA) stepped out on student move-in day in August, making history as the first ever RA union to go on strike. The strike vote passed after months of bargaining and the University's refusal to provide the RAs with any compensation in the form of wages. The one-day strike was a resounding success, and the RAs ratified their contract shortly after - a contract that included 46% raises in the form of a stipend and partial meal plan. These brave student workers send a strong message to Tufts and the world of higher ed: when we fight, we win.


University of Pennsylvania RA Union Win

The Resident Advisors at the University of Pennsylvania and United RAs at Penn celebrated an astounding victory after RAs overwhelmingly vote in favor of unionizing in September. The final vote count was 87% voting in favor of unionization (142 yes, 22 no), establishing the first-ever student worker's union at the University.


Swarthmore RA Union Win

In December, Swarthmore College Resident Assistant won the Resident Assistant union election with 90% voting union yes, successfully joining OPEIU Local 153.


“Unionizing has brought a lot of hope to this job that has been a mostly miserable experience so far. Our working conditions have been very unfair and precarious for all of us, but especially so for my vulnerable co-workers. Unionization gives us a real stability and feeling of safety as RAs face constant pressure from the school and management. I’m so excited to work collectively to make sure we are all taken care of as we care for our peers.”

– Tyler Hicks ‘24, Swarthmore RA


Guttmacher Contract Win + Employee Reinstatement

Guttmacher Employees United has ratified their first contract after over a year of bargaining! This contract includes strong new Just Cause provisions for employees, employer-funded abortion care including travel if needed for members and their families, a guaranteed hybrid work schedule, and wage increases that significantly raise the salary floor and provide annual steps for employees to grow in their careers.


You may remember the Guttmacher Institute from when they fired Sam Heyne, one of their union organizers the day they won their election vote in July 2022. We are proud to say that the NLRB ruled in our favor that this was an illegal termination, and we were able to reach a significant settlement with the Institute to resolve the issue for the member! We are also pleased to share that Sam has also joined our staff as a full-time organizer.


How to Win A Strong Contract

Downloadable Tool


In order to run a strong contract campaign and get big wins at the bargaining table, you need to be strategic and engage your fellow members in negotiations. Here’s a tool to help you and your coworkers strategize and build a plan to win a great contract. Download below!


Member Scholarship Opportunities

It's scholarship season! OPEIU 153 members and their dependents are encouraged to explore and apply to the following scholarship opportunities:

  • Lavina Michl Wright Scholarship
  • John Kelly Labor Studies Scholarship
  • Howard Coughlin Memorial Scholarships

Financial Report

Click below to view the OPEIU Local 153 financial reports.


Follow us on Social Media

Instagram: @opeiulocal153






August 2024


Newsletter Archive