Where OPEIU Local 153 members work
Linked employer names contain collective bargaining agreements
Community Solutions
Freedom House
Guttmacher Institute
Legal Aid Bureau of Buffalo
New York City Anti-Violence Project
Soldiers & Sailors Memorial Hall and Museum
The Workers’ Circle
Higher Education
Adelphi University
Altoona Center for Nursing Care
Barnard College
Bloomsburg University
California University of Pennsylvania
Cheyney University
Clarion University
College of Mount Saint Vincent
Collins Building Services at New York University
Ebensburg State Center
Edinboro University
Fairleigh Dickinson University
Hiram G. Andrews Rehabilitation Center
Hollidaysburg Veterans’ Home
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Jewish Theological Seminary
Joseph F. McCloskey School of Nursing
Kutztown University
Millersville University
NYU Tandon School of Engineering
Penn State University
Professional Staff Congress of CUNY
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Rutgers University
Slippery Rock University
Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology
Tufts University
University of Bridgeport
West Chester University
AdvantageCare Physicians
Clarks Summit State Hospital
Clearfield Hospital
Danville State Hospital
Delaware Valley Veterans’ Home
General Vision Services
Gino J. Merli Veterans’ Center
The Grove at Irwin
Harmon House Care Center
HealthNow New York
J.C. Blair Memorial Hospital
Lehigh Valley Hospital
Mount Sinai Beth Israel Medical Center - Kings Highway
New York Hotel Trades Council Health Center
Norristown State Hospital
Polk State Center
Selinsgrove Center
South Mountain Restoration Center
Southeastern Veterans’ Center
Torrance State Hospital
Union Health Center
UPMC Cole Hospital
Visiting Nurse Association
Warren State Hospital
Wayne Memorial Hospital
Wernersville State Hospital
White Haven Center
Produce Distributors
A&J Produce
Countrywide Produce Inc.
D’Arrigo New York
E. Armata Inc.
Fierman Produce Exchange
Fruitco Corp.
J. Margiotta Company
LBD Produce
M&R Tomato Distributors, Inc.
Nathel & Nathel
New York Produce Trade Association
Robt. T. Cochran & Co.
Rubin Bros. Produce Corp.
S. Katzman Produce
Trucco, Inc.
Credit Unions and Insurers
Amalgamated Life
Actors Federal Credit Union
Cornerstone Community Federal Credit Union
New York Stock Exchange
New York Times Employees’ Federal Credit Union
Riverside Credit Union
Burlington County Welfare Board
City of Lockport, NY
County of Allegheny, PA
County of Passaic, NJ
Erie County Democratic Committee
Ocean County Board of Social Services
Salem County Board of Social Services
State of New Jersey Judiciary Court System
Township of East Brunswick, NJ
Township of Verona, NJ
Upper Darby Township, PA
Housing Cooperatives
Food Service, Maintenance, & Utilities
Maimonides Park
Public Service Enterprise Group (PSEG)
A&R Employees Union-AFT
Amalgamated Lithographers of America Local 1
AFSCME 371 Social Service Employees
AFSCME DC 1707 Local 389
AFTRA Retirement Fund
American Federation of Musicians
Associated Musicians of Greater New York-AFM Local 802
Buffalo Laborers’ Welfare Fund
CWA District 1
CWA Locals 1101, 1105, and 1180
CSEA, AFSCME Local 1000 Benefit Fund
Federation of Catholic Teachers Local 2092
Graphic Communications Local 119B Health and Welfare Fund
IAM Lodges 26 and 700
IAMAW Local 1746
IBEW Locals 3, 25, 41, and 420
International Council of Painters and Allied Trades DC 9
Ironworkers Locals 6, 9, 40, 46, 361, 417, and 580
Hartford Federation of Teachers
NABET-CWA Locals 11, 16, 31, 41, and 53
New York City Central Labor Council
New Haven Federation of Teachers
New Jersey State AFL-CIO
New York State AFL-CIO
New York Typographical Union-CWA Local 14156
Painting Industry Insurance Fund
Rochester-Genesee Valley Area Labor Federation
SEIU Local 32BJ
Sheet Metal Workers Local 83
Social Service Employees Union Local 371
Teamsters Locals 237 and 264
Transport Workers Union
Treasurers and Ticket Sellers-IATSE Local 751
UFA Local 94
UFT Local 2
UAW Locals 259, 376, 686, and 774
UFCW Local 342
United Scenic Artists Local 829