We are OPEIU Local 153
OPEIU Local 153 supports workers throughout New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Connecticut. We empower working people to make the changes they want to see in their workplaces and their communities. Our members are employed in a range of fields, including social services, legal aid, higher education, healthcare, hotels, credit unions, and sports facilities.
OPEIU Local 153 is an affiliated local of the Office and Professional Employees International Union (OPEIU).
OPEIU is a union of more than 103,000 employees in technology, credit unions, hospitals, insurance agencies, colleges and universities, hotels, administrative offices, and more. As the founder of the Nonprofit Employees United initiative, OPEIU supports thousands of nonprofit workers across the country in forming unions and negotiating strong contracts. OPEIU is committed to advancing economic justice for all working people.
OPEIU was chartered in 1945 and has locals in every state, Puerto Rico, and Canada.