After 6 Months of Bargaining, AJWS Union Wins their First Contract!


After 6 months of bargaining, AJWS Union members unanimously ratified their first contract. Highlights of the contract include:

  • $60K salary floor, and structural salary increases for over half of our unit

  • 20 weeks paid plus 12 weeks unpaid parental leave

  • Increased employer match to our 403b

  • Right to bargain over return to the office/remote work

  • Health care improvements such as reduced copays, increased fertility care, increased transgender/gender-noncomforming benefits, and the addition of orthodontia coverage

  • Transparent processes for promotions, job expansions, and annual salary increases

  • A grievance and arbitration procedure

The AJWS Union bargaining committee stated, “We are so proud of the hard work that went into this contract, and believe it reflects the progressive values that are central to AJWS’s mission. A big thank you to our dedicated bargaining committee, our supportive organizers and lawyer from @OPEIU, and of course our members who stuck together through a long and at times challenging process. All workers deserve unions, and we are proud to be a part of the growing movement of unionized non-profit workplaces with strong contracts.”


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