Hundreds of Local 153 Members Win New Contract at Highmark

Hundreds of members of Local 153 employed by Highmark in Buffalo have won a new contract! Despite management’s attempt to force a number of giveback demands, the union succeeded in winning a strong three-year contract that covers more than 350 members and includes three compounded wage increases of 2% each year, additional paid time off, bonuses for all members of the bargaining unit, and the right to work from home for the majority of the bargaining unit. 

“This was a difficult negotiation,” said Local 153 Business Agent Mark Jurenovich. “I give great credit to the bargaining committee members, who often participated in negotiations after working ten-hour days.” Lynn Brooks, the chair of the union’s bargaining committee, noted that “Highmark took over Blue Cross of Western New York, and as a new employer they had never negotiated with us before. They brought in a lawyer from Harrisburg, PA to lead their negotiations.” When management repeatedly resisted the workers’ demands, “We were ready to bring busloads of members to Pittsburgh to demonstrate outside Highmark’s headquarters,” Brooks said. “The company paid $6 million for the naming rights of the Buffalo Bills’ Stadium and we told them the football players and others involved with the NFL are union members, too, and we would make waves if necessary.”

Brooks added that one of the most helpful aspects of the contract drive was the creation of an online survey that allowed all members—newer employees and veterans alike—to weigh in on the issues that were important to them. The survey revealed that employees wanted to continue to work remotely and that they would not accept healthcare givebacks, among other items of importance. By organizing around these issues, the union was able to preserve both salary step increases and their current healthcare plan—with none of the increases in employee contributions, co-pays, and deductibles that management tried to foist on the workers. As Brooks said, “We fought hard and we won.”


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